MacDonald Periodontics Update
Considering the recent rise of COVID cases in NB, and Zone 2’s change to the Orange level, we will be enhancing our screening protocols and following the PNB’s guidelines to keep our patients and staff safe and healthy. Dental clinics will remain open to serve our patients throughout this pandemic as case numbers rise and fall. To do that safely, we must rely on EVERYONE’S co-operation. Our screening questions will now include the following:
· “Has Public Health spoken to you through contact tracing and asked you to self-monitor for 14 days?
If yes, and you have a scheduled appointment within those 14 days, what is the nature of your upcoming appointment?
If it is urgent, and you have no symptoms, you will be seen. If you are mid-treatment for an ongoing condition, you will be seen. If your upcoming appointment is non-urgent, and you are symptomatic or not, we may ask you to defer until after the 14 day window.”
Emergency /Urgent care will be prioritized during the orange phase. However, all cases will be screened by Dr MacDonald and team on a case by case basis and treated accordingly.
For those patients who have screened negative, and have not been contacted by public health for tracing, regular treatment, hygiene visits and preventive care will continue with the enhanced PPE and protocols you have come to expect at our office.
If you are unsure, whether you have knowingly or unknowingly been part of a public exposure to COVID in our area, please consult the GNB website for current lists of locations and dates, and do your part to reduce the potential spread by considering postponing nonessential dental visits within your 14 day window.
Thank you for your understanding. We at MacDonald Periodontics are working hard to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.